Daily Horoscope 18 November 2023: Your Lucky Number, Love & Money

Aries: March 21 – April 19

Today, dear Aries, the sun in Scorpio and Neptune are in a helpful alignment, which brings you a gentle and cleaning energy. Let your heavy feelings and thoughts flow through you so that they dissolve into grace as you move through this cosmic stream. This afternoon, when the moon in Capricorn lines up with Uranus, you’ll be at your most professional and smart. This is the best time to make deals or discuss. But when a sharp t-square forms over your head this evening, you shouldn’t go too far. Know your own limits and the limits of those around you. When Luna blows a kiss to the sun and Mars tonight, your strength will pay off.

Taurus: April 20 – May 20

Dear Taurus, the sun and Neptune are in a dreamy relationship that makes you feel better every time you connect with a nice person. Use this energy to get in touch with people you care about, and let your mental cup fill up in the process. As the afternoon comes on and the Carpciron moon lines up with Uranus, look out for signs from the world and little gifts. When a t-square forms over your head this evening, you might want to take it easy and connect with your spirit through meditation or self-care. Tonight, Luna gives the sun and Mars a kiss, which will connect your love life and personal beliefs.

Gemini: May 21 – June 20

As the sun moves through Scorpio and Neptune, the stars tell you to go after your dreams without giving them too much thought. Keep in mind that small steps lead to bigger goals, and go about your jobs with hope. When the moon in Capricorn lines up with Uranus this afternoon, you may have a chance to grow, but you may need to act quickly. When a sharp t-square forms over your head this evening, be careful about who you trust and stay out of social trouble. As of tonight, Luna is in line with the sun and Mars, which makes you want to make things happen.

Cancer: June 21 – July 22

Dear Cancer, the Scorpio sun and the airy Neptune are in a sweet exchange that will make you feel most at ease when you’re with loved ones, spiritual guides, or working on projects that you’re really passionate about. Lean into these vibes by going with your gut and letting your day be guided by fun whims and creative inspiration. When the Capricorn moon lines up with Uranus in the afternoon, you might want to change things up. This is because Uranus is telling you to break out of your routine and bring someone special with you. Tonight, when Luna lines up with the sun and Mars, it’s a good time to give your sweetheart your full attention.

Leo: July 23 – August 22

Dear Leo, learn how to let go and take care of yourself. The sun in Scorpio and Neptune are in a helpful relationship. This cosmic weather can help you get rid of heavy energy, but you will need to be extra kind to yourself. When the moon in Capricorn lines up with Uranus this afternoon, it could lead to new projects. These projects could be exciting and take your work to the next level. Just remember to calm down this evening when a t-square forms in the sky, so you don’t get too excited. Moon will connect with the sun and Mars tonight. Take some time to do something relaxing from home.

Virgo: August 23 – September 22

Don’t be afraid to show your positive side today, Virgo. The Sun in Scorpio and Neptune are in a good mood. This energy makes you want to write poems, make art, and maybe even flirt, so let out your inner romance. When the moon is in Capricorn and Uranus this afternoon, the world gives fun messages. This is a good time to ask for signs or help. An unstable energy takes over this evening when a t-square forms above, threatening to shake your roots with conflict in your relationships or with other people. Luckily, things will feel better tonight when Luna lines up with the sun and Mars, making people laugh and have fun.

Libra: September 23 – October 22

Today, Libra, enjoy the little things because the sun and Neptune are in Scorpio. This cosmic atmosphere also pushes you to take a soft but strategic approach to your schedule. You should handle jobs calmly without putting too much pressure on yourself. When the moon in Capciron lines up with Uranus this afternoon, it will lead to breakthroughs in your relationships and make you feel safer in your partnerships. When a t-square forms over your head this evening, take a step back and slow down to connect with your body’s needs. Tonight, when Luna joins with the sun and Mars, stay home and do nothing. Take care of yourself by doing creative things and following your interests.

Scorpio: October 23 – November 21

The sun and Neptune are in a sweet trade, sweet Scorpion, which makes you more popular by boosting your natural charm, grace, and originality. Do what you can to keep the bonds that mean most alive, and don’t feel bad about enjoying the extra attention you get. When the Capricorn moon lines up with Uranus this afternoon, you might hear about a crush or dating news. Now might also be a good time to share what’s on your mind. When a t-square forms this evening, though, you should be careful not to believe everything you hear. Tonight, when the moon joins the sun and Mars, go with your gut.

Sagittarius: November 22 – December 21

Dear Sagittarius, as the sun moves into Scorpio and Neptune, listen to the voice inside you. It will gently reveal the deepest parts of your mind and your deepest wishes. On the other hand, the Capricorn moon is connected to Uranus in a way that helps you achieve your goals when you work hard and stay true to your own style. This evening, when a t-square forms above and threatens to break the peace, stay away from big fights and limit your screen time. When Luna blows a kiss to the sun and Mars tonight, good vibes flow. This may make you want to be creative, but you might want to hide your next big project for now.

Capricorn: December 22 – January 19

When the Scorpio sun lines up with Neptune, dear Sea-goat, your friendly side comes out. You’ll be in a chatty mood that’s great for making new friends and keeping old ones. While this is going on, the moon is still in your sign, making a helpful link with Uranus that will undoubtedly lead to creative breakthroughs, though you’ll need to break the rules. When a t-square forms this evening and threatens to interfere with even the most carefully thought-out plans, try not to let problems get you down. You’ll have help this evening when Luna blows a kiss to the sun and Mars, which encourages people to work together and form communities.

Aquarius: January 20 – February 18

This morning, dear Aquarius, the sun in Scorpio and Neptune are in a helpful relationship that tells you to honor your dreams for the future while also being grateful for what you’ve already achieved. There is a lot of excitement in the air today because the Capricorn moon is aligned with Uranus. This will give you a busy but clever energy. When a t-square forms over your head this evening, there will be a lot of energy that is at odds with each other. Try not to defend yourself or second-guess yourself. If you need help getting clear tonight, when Luna lines up with the sun and Mars, you might want to reach out to your neighborhood.

Pisces: February 19 – March 20

The sun in Scorpio is kissing Neptune, sweetheart, which will calm your mind and make your link with God and your natural instincts stronger. Thanks to a helpful link between the Capricorn moon and Uranus, your afternoon could be shaken up by news or people you didn’t expect to meet. It’s getting dark, and a sharp t-square forms over you. Try not to let your screens or social problems keep you from enjoying the beauty around you. Luckily, the energy gets stronger tonight when Luna lines up with the sun and Mars. This makes for an emotional and spiritual atmosphere that’s great for moving or being creative.

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