Drama, drama, and more drama! When the moon moves into Leo today, your feelings become more intense. The ferocious insanity intensifies the drama, and you may react emotionally in a more dramatic way than normal. Even if it may be easy to over-dramatize everything that occurs, you could manage your emotions by using the creative side of this madness. While the moon is in Leo, start doing art, music, writing, or any other kind of self-expression. aries: Ruby, 67, 213, 342. Taurus: Lilac, 84, 199, 354. Gemini: Aqua, 31, 176, 308. Cancer: Olive, 59, 227, 366. Leo: Peach, 102, 198, 314. Virgo: Maroon, 73, 189, 371. Libra: Sky Blue, 54, 249, 312. Scorpio: Amber, 91, 163, 397. Sagittarius: Jade, 48, 229, 352. Capricorn: Indigo, 62, 204, 374. Aquarius: Magenta, 36, 267, 323. Pisces: Teal, 77, 194, 381.