Aries Weekly Horoscope December 08 to December 14
With the moon in Pisces squaring the sun in Sagittarius and your house of travel, the week starts on Sunday, December 8. Aries, you may have the want to go camping, but commitments and duties may prevent you from doing so. It can be too much to handle the cacophony from both home and work. You’re ready to unleash your inner bear.
The moon will conjunct the North Node in Aries on Monday, December 9. You are drawn to activities and people that are essential to your life’s journey. Now, it matters who you want to talk to, the music that’s stuck in your mind, and the movie you want to see. Information, teachings, and examples for your soul’s journey are being given to you, Aries.
Taurus Weekly Horoscope December 08 to December 14
On Sunday, December 8, the sun in Sagittarius and your house of debt, credit, and investments are squared by the moon in Pisces, marking the start of the week. You may now be concentrating on passive revenue streams, Taurus. In order to acquire additional assets, you could be considering ways to pay off debt and obtain reduced interest rates. The advancements you make now may help you later on.
The moon will conjunct the North Node in Aries on Monday, December 9. Messages on your life path are now being sent to you. Both the barriers and the gifts that stand in your way are there to support you. Don’t let anything stand in your way. Before continuing, pause and take a look. This is crucial information for you to know.
Gemini Weekly Horoscope December 08 to December 14
With the moon in Pisces squaring the sun in Sagittarius and your house of connections, the week starts on Sunday, December 8. Today, people you know could irritate you. Your boyfriend, your friends, and even your coworkers all appear to be mired in their own problems. You’re not in the right frame of mind to deal with the concealed tension that exists here.
The moon will conjunct the North Node in Aries on Monday, December 9. You may get a great idea from someone. A spark may ignite in your mind, Gemini, and you may suddenly perceive countless opportunities. This may have been a casual remark that has now grown into a powerful oak in your thoughts.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope December 08 to December 14
With the moon in Pisces squaring the sun in Sagittarius and your home of routines and work, the week starts on Sunday, December 8. You may feel as though you have little assistance and are forced to perform the same tasks over. Even if these are your own regulations, you’re responding against routines and rules today. You will release a lot of pent-up strain if you make a change today.
The moon will conjunct the North Node in Aries on Monday, December 9. Today, the universe is making a special effort to leave you with little jewels of knowledge. It may be a quote from a beloved book, a little video, or a passage from a song, but the message about your life’s journey and where you’re going is obvious. You’re searching for hints about your spiritual journey, Cancer.
Leo Weekly Horoscope December 08 to December 14
With the moon in Pisces squaring the sun in Sagittarius, your house of creative expression, the week starts on Sunday, December 8. One of your ongoing projects may be causing you some frustration. It’s not turning out the way you had hoped. This is an indication to take a step back and listen to your creativity. You may find yourself inspired in unexpected ways.
The moon will conjunct the North Node in Aries on Monday, December 9. You could awaken today knowing your route within. You know what you’re going to do, Leo. The only thing left to do is figure out how to accomplish it. Now is a wonderful time to research and gather data on how to accomplish a very precise objective.
Virgo Weekly Horoscope December 08 to December 14
On Sunday, December 8, the sun in Sagittarius and your home and family are squared by the moon in Pisces, marking the start of the week. Some members of the family are now extremely sensitive. They are more susceptible than normal and quickly insulted. You may attempt to comfort upset people, but you could discover that it’s best to avoid the situation today.
The moon will conjunct the North Node in Aries on Monday, December 9. You may be given materials to aid you on your journey, Virgo. This might be a certain amount of money, genuine assistance, or very precise information that broadens your perspective. Your life path is currently being illuminated by the universe.
Libra Weekly Horoscope December 08 to December 14
With the moon in Pisces squaring the sun in Sagittarius, your house of timing and communication, the week starts on Sunday, December 8. To achieve your goals for today, you will need to exercise some patience. It may be necessary for other participants to change their schedules. To connect with the individuals you want to see, you may need to adjust your own schedule. Things will go well today if you try to adapt to the changes.
The moon will conjunct the North Node in Aries on Monday, December 9. Libra, you may find yourself drawn to lighting a candle or meditating in order to get insight into your life’s journey. You may have been too busy to see the signals the Universe has already sent you. Spend some time asking a straightforward inquiry. There will be clear advice over the coming few days.
Scorpio Weekly Horoscope December 08 to December 14
On Sunday, December 8, the moon in Pisces squares the sun in Sagittarius, which is your house of wealth and prosperity, marking the start of the week. Your financial unhappiness may give rise to fresh concepts. At this point, perseverance is crucial. Even if you would prefer not to look at statements, review them. The knowledge and assistance you require to make improvements will come flooding in once you have a clear picture of where you are.
The moon will conjunct the North Node in Aries on Monday, December 9. You may seek assistance now for an issue that has been bothering you every day. You might hire someone to clean the house or ask a coworker for assistance with a project. Delegating is a smart idea, Scorpio.
Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope December 08 to December 14
On Sunday, December 8, the sun in Sagittarius and your house of personal expression are squared by the moon in Pisces, marking the start of the week. Your popularity grows today. People are eager to meet you and spend time with you. There may already be some strain in your schedule as you attempt to fit in all you want to accomplish or accommodate others.
The moon will conjunct the North Node in Aries on Monday, December 9. You could experience an epiphany today, Sagittarius, that enables you to find out how to achieve something you’ve always wanted to undertake. This might have to do with music or art, but it could also have to do with travel or education. The bottom line is that you can come up with an original answer.
Capricorn Weekly Horoscope December 08 to December 14
With the moon in Pisces squaring the sun in Sagittarius, your house of inner ideas and unconscious urges, the week starts on Sunday, December 8. You may respond strongly to those around you today. You can be easily agitated and short-tempered. However, you also have the chance to distance yourself from unconsciously triggered situations. You can sever a tough emotional cord today.
The moon will conjunct the North Node in Aries on Monday, December 9. A barrier in your way appears to vanish. You really don’t need to accomplish anything that you thought would be challenging. The universe could be helping you succeed, Capricorn.
Aquarius Weekly Horoscope December 08 to December 14
With the moon in Pisces squaring the sun in Sagittarius, your house of friendships and social gatherings, the week starts on Sunday, December 8. You could be looking forward to a social event, party, or get-together today. Even if things might not go as planned, it is still worthwhile to go. You won’t find perfection if that’s your goal. It’s preferable to concentrate on making other people happy.
The moon will conjunct the North Node in Aries on Monday, December 9. Strong messages are arriving to support you on your life’s journey, Aquarius. Someone with experience in your desired field may cross your path. You may hear the life story of someone you aspire to be like or read the biography of someone who inspires you.
Pisces Weekly Horoscope December 08 to December 14
On Sunday, December 8, the moon in Pisces squares the sun in Sagittarius, which is your house of reputation and career. This marks the start of the week. You may be about to start a new career or role at work, Pisces. You can be considering how your team is coming together as a cohesive whole. Now is a wonderful moment to introduce a new product for your company or update your profile on reputable websites.
The moon will conjunct the North Node in Aries on Monday, December 9. You have a keen sense of the universe’s rhythms and motions. You can now see some new routes emerging. You have alternatives and can go in numerous routes in the future. You must make a choice since you are at a crossroads.