Pisces Weekly Horoscope January 05 to January 11
Mercury in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces on Monday, January 6. Mars retrogrades back into Cancer on the same day. Mars is scheduled to stay in Cancer through April 17. You’re extremely open psychologically right now, but if you’re not keeping your sentiments apart from other people’s, this might make you anxious or restless. Listening is fine, but don’t accept responsibility for other people’s problems.
Mercury in Sagittarius, Mars in Cancer, and your home of children and younger relatives form a quincunx on Tuesday, January 7. Pisces, although you may typically be ready to assist your child, niece, or nephew, you may now want to allow them the opportunity to work through their own issues. Have a conversation to see if you can come up with a better solution before writing a check or giving the response.