Daily Horoscope 17 November 2023: Your Lucky Number, Love & Money

Daily Horoscope 17 November 2023: Your Lucky Number, Love & Money

Enjoy the good times today! The moon in Sagittarius makes us feel better. That’s why today is a great day to plan for the weekend. We’ll be ready for fall and want to go on a trip before the weather gets even colder. The moon in Sagittarius is pushing us to do something we haven’t done before. Because of this, we should choose something unique and different.

Aries: March 21 – April 19

Spend some time with yourself to really understand your dreams and how near or far they seem. The sun, Mars, and Neptune will all be in the right place for you to rethink and return to the goals you set for yourself a long time ago, making changes to fit who you are now. When the moon in Capricorn lines up with Jupiter in the middle of the afternoon, you’ll have chances to establish yourself as a professional. This will also be good for your finances and job goals. As Luna and Venus square off, try not to let your relationships suffer. Instead, take care to grow your relationships.

Taurus: April 20 – May 20

Today, dear Taurus, the sun, Mars, and Neptune are all lined up. This makes it easier to form romantic relationships and get to know new people. Lean into these feelings by fostering the relationships that make you feel motivated, energized, and capable, and push away anyone who makes you feel less capable. When the moon in Capricorn lines up with Jupiter in the middle of the afternoon, trust your gut. The world will want to lead you to new chances and good luck. Just don’t take on too much when Luna squares off with Venus. Think about how much time and energy you have and ask for help if you feel like you can’t handle it.

Gemini: May 21 – June 20

During the day, Gemini, you won’t want to sit still because the sun, Mars, and Neptune are all in Scorpio. This cosmic environment is all about making plans and taking action to reach your goals. It will help you breeze through jobs and problems with speed, grace, and efficiency. When the Capricorn moon lines up with Jupiter this afternoon, make time to meet with your closest friends and family. This will tell you how important it is to be close. These vibes are also great for getting in touch with yourself and letting go of anything you no longer need. Avoid people with a mean streak when Luna squares off with Venus to protect your pride.

Cancer: June 21 – July 22

Today, Cancer, the sun in Scorpio, Mars, and Neptune will all be in good alignment with each other, making you feel moved by spirit and your link with the world. Use this energy to fully believe in the goals you’ve set for yourself, especially if they match up with signs or messages you’ve gotten from other worlds. Spend some extra time in silence. Meditation can also help you feel more confident and clear. You’ll want to connect with others and fall in love when the Capricorn moon lines up with Jupiter this afternoon. But when Luna squares off with Venus, things could get tense at home.

Leo: July 23 – August 22

The sun and Mars in Scorpio are aligned with Neptune today, making relationships, finances, and personal goals that you’ve been dreaming of seem more real. Stand in your power with this energy and take bold steps to make your greatest wishes come true. As time goes on, your goals will get a lot stronger, especially when the moon in Capricorn kisses Jupiter in the middle of the afternoon. The stars are aligned in a way that makes pursuing fame and career goals more likely, so make sure you direct your attention in that direction. As Luna and Venus square off, just remember to stay organized and make time for focus and self-care.

Virgo: August 23 – September 22

Today, dear Virgo, your sweet and emotional side shows through because the sun and Mars are in Scorpio and they are aligned with Neptune. Share your big ideas, start lively talks, and think about asking any cute people you’ve been having romantic feelings for to go on a date. Today, the moon in Capricorn will meet with Jupiter, the planet of luck, which will help you move closer to your goals. There could also be new chances, but a rough square between Venus and Luna could make people think twice about taking advantage of them. Never forget how freeing it is to jump toward fate, even if it seems scary at first.

Libra: September 23 – October 22

Dear Libra, put all of your efforts into living your best life because the sun in Scorpio, Mars, and Neptune are all in a sweet line-up. Even though it’s important to stick to a budget, the stars are telling you that you can enjoy the fruits of your labor while focusing on your physical, mental, and emotional health. When the moon in Capricorn lines up with Jupiter, it’s a good time to get close to someone you trust and tell them personal things. It’s important to put love and unity first because a hard square between Luna and Venus could kill these good feelings.

Scorpio: October 23 – November 21

Today, dear Scorpio, the sun, Mars, and Neptune will work together in the sky, giving you a cosmic edge. Your aura’s energy will go up a lot because of this cosmic weather. This will help you make friends, make beautiful art, and easily reach your personal goals. This afternoon, when the Capricorn moon lines up with Jupiter, you might want to say something nice. This will bring luck to your voice and love life. Even though this is a great time to flirt, don’t forget to be nice to yourself, especially when Venus and Luna line up. If you need to, take a break from people this evening to focus on taking care of yourself.

Sagittarius: November 22 – December 21

Today, dear Sagittarius, you’ll be guided by your gut feelings because the sun and Mars in Scorpio are in a good position with Neptune. You may need some space, though, to really connect with your own wants and deepest wishes, because you’ll be very open to the thoughts and feelings around you. Do your chores when the Capricorn moon kisses Jupiter in the middle of the afternoon. This will make you feel lighter as you cross things off your list. As Luna and Venus square off, be careful not to give in to the urge to check your phone or social media.

Capricorn: December 22 – January 19

This morning, dear Capricorn, the sun and Mars in Scorpio are in a good position with dreamy Neptune. This gives you the power to both inspire and be inspired. Spend time with people in your neighborhood and share your thoughts and ideas as a way to learn new things and make new connections. As the moon continues to move through your sign, it adds extra shine to your aura. In the afternoon, it sends a kiss to lucky Jupiter. When Luna squares off with Venus, be aware of mental guards that could get in the way of your love life. You should also be aware of these behaviors in yourself.

Aquarius: January 20 – February 18

Today, Aquarius, it will be easy to get other people to believe in your dreams because the sun in Scorpio, Mars, and the dreamy planet Neptune are all working together in the sky. Take a strong stand on your professional and financial goals with this energy, and use your creative mind to get family or coworkers on board. As the Capricorn moon lines up with Jupiter this afternoon, you’ll feel nostalgic and caring. Now is a good time to connect with your inner kid and give them extra love and support. When Luna and Venus line up, it might also be good to get deeply involved in spiritual life.

Pisces: February 19 – March 20

Thanks to a good exchange between the sun in Scorpio, Mars, and the airy Neptune, you’ll move with purpose, grace, and hope today, dear Pisces. You should use this energy as a reason to get more attention, especially if it will help you reach your goals. This afternoon, when the moon is in Capricorn and Jupiter is in Scorpio, you should work on strengthening your business relationships and making new ones. This is because Jupiter wants you to grow your network. You can also learn new things with this energy, but try to stay away from mean talk if you can, especially since Luna will be square to Venus later today.

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