Scorpio Astrology Predictions September 08

Scorpio Daily Horoscope

Early in the morning, Scorpio, when the moon is in your sign and in a helpful alignment with Mars, you’ll feel an increase in intuition. Honour what the third eye reveals to you in order to harness these energies, which may include unusual dreams or epiphanies in the early morning.

When Luna establishes an uneven connection with the North Node this afternoon, the plans you lay out could appear unsteady, and it would be a good idea to get back together and rearrange the next course of action. When the sun and Saturn square off tonight, beware of forceful or dictatorial personalities or you risk blowing a few social bridges.

Scorpio Zodiac Sign: Date, Personality Traits and Astrology

Scorpio is a water sign and is born between October 23 and November 21. They are known for being intense, determined, and mysterious. Pluto rules Scorpios, and they have a deep emotional depth and transformative power. Their symbol is the Scorpion, representing their self-control and ability to overcome challenges. Scorpios are passionate, loyal, and perceptive, with a magnetic aura. Read more about the Scorpio zodiac sign and Join our Facebook group Today Horoscope to get your daily lucky star guide.