As cosmic loves, today’s topic is sex and love. Venus and Mars make us want to connect with others more deeply again. Venus makes us more sensitive by stimulating Neptune. It also makes us more sensual, loving, and passionate. There are times when you can’t deny your lustful feelings, and Mars can help you dive into sexual pleasure by using your vivid imagination. Don’t be afraid to break up your date routine by doing something other than dinner and a show. Your Lucky Number – Aries: Ruby Red, 254, 611, 854. Taurus: Emerald Green, 398, 729, 967. Gemini: Azure Blue, 167, 477, 802. Cancer: Coral Pink, 235, 566, 913. Leo: Goldenrod, 312, 688, 921. Virgo: Lavender, 179, 422, 715. Libra: Peach, 247, 533, 888. Scorpio: Deep Purple, 369, 777, 999. Sagittarius: Maroon, 426, 842, 1001. Capricorn: Navy Blue, 289, 611, 933. Aquarius: Aqua Blue, 198, 499, 855. Pisces: Silver, 343, 655, 977.