Daily Horoscope 15 March 2024: Your Lucky Number, Love & Money

Daily Horoscope 15 March 2024: Your Lucky Number, Love & Money

When the moon is in Gemini and forms a triangle with Pluto in Aquarius and Venus and Saturn in Pisces, you might want to think about what you value in your relationships. If you’re ready to use both your head and your heart, these three transits could teach you a lot. You might need to work on being okay with naming your own wants and needs in your obligations. In the evening, the moon will line up with Mercury in Aries, which means there may be a chance to talk about it. Aries: Sapphire, 90, 210, 410; Taurus: Coral, 100, 230, 420; Gemini: Indigo, 110, 250, 430; Cancer: Gold, 120, 270, 440; Leo: Mauve, 130, 290, 450; Virgo: Peach, 140, 310, 460; Libra: Turquoise, 150, 330, 470; Scorpio: Silver, 160, 350, 480; Sagittarius: Rose, 170, 370, 490; Capricorn: Teal, 180, 390, 500; Aquarius: Orchid, 190, 410, 510; Pisces: Burgundy, 200, 430, 520.