Daily Horoscope 21 March 2024: Your Lucky Number, Love & Money

Daily Horoscope 21 March 2024: Your Lucky Number, Love & Money

Today, when Mercury in Aries meets Chiron in Aries, people may say hurtful things to each other. When the cosmic messenger meets the hurt asteroid, it could make people feel very strongly. You might be extra sensitive and see everything as an attack on you. Since Mercury is also in its pre-shadow phase, be careful what you think about it. Anything that happens today could come up again when Mercury goes backwards! Aries: Indigo, 20, 60, 100; Taurus: Peach, 30, 70, 110; Gemini: Turquoise, 40, 80, 120; Cancer: Mauve, 50, 90, 100; Leo: Silver, 60, 100, 110; Virgo: Rose, 70, 110, 120; Libra: Gold, 80, 90, 110; Scorpio: Coral, 90, 100, 120; Sagittarius: Sapphire, 100, 110, 90; Capricorn: Teal, 110, 120, 100; Aquarius: Burgundy, 30, 70, 110; Pisces: Orchid, 40, 80, 120.