Daily Horoscope 15 October 2023: Your Lucky Number, Love & Money

Today is the solar eclipse in Libra. This eclipse gives us a chance to make love and commitments to other people. This eclipse makes us feel closer to other people, even if we are not thinking about love. In this way, you can see people from the point of view you want to take. You can choose if and how to make them a big part of your life.. Aries: Scarlet, 62, 121, 199. Taurus: Earthy Brown, 69, 145, 210. Gemini: Azure Blue, 78, 160, 203. Cancer: Silver Gray, 57, 98, 177. Leo: Sunflower Yellow, 65, 132, 198. Virgo: Lavender, 72, 154, 189. Libra: Peach, 80, 169, 212. Scorpio: Obsidian Black, 55, 106, 195. Sagittarius: Royal Purple, 64, 139, 200. Capricorn: Chestnut Brown, 70, 127, 188. Aquarius: Aqua Blue, 75, 149, 205. Pisces: Seafoam Green, 82, 176, 207.