Daily Horoscope 19 March 2024: Your Lucky Number, Love & Money

Daily Horoscope 19 March 2024: Your Lucky Number, Love & Money

Today, Mercury in Aries is joining the North Node in Aries and opposing the South Node in Libra. Pay attention to how you think about your responsibilities and relationships. Also, today is the start of the time before the shade of the next Mercury retrograde. With that in mind, today could be a day to remember because of how you connect with others, do study, and come up with new ideas. Aries: Coral, 80, 160, 290; Taurus: Sapphire, 90, 170, 300; Gemini: Indigo, 100, 180, 310; Cancer: Gold, 110, 190, 320; Leo: Mauve, 120, 200, 330; Virgo: Peach, 130, 210, 290; Libra: Turquoise, 140, 220, 300; Scorpio: Silver, 150, 230, 310; Sagittarius: Rose, 160, 240, 320; Capricorn: Teal, 170, 250, 330; Aquarius: Orchid, 180, 260, 290; Pisces: Burgundy, 190, 270, 300.