Daily Horoscope 23 March 2024: Your Lucky Number, Love & Money

Daily Horoscope 23 March 2024: Your Lucky Number, Love & Money

When the moon moves into Virgo early today, people may feel tense. The moon in Virgo is great for focusing on small details, but it can also make you feel stuck in analysis paralysis. Getting your stress levels in check is important if you want to master this moon energy. Later, when Mars moves into Pisces, there may be a lazy vibe. The planets that are at war will have less energy, so you may not feel as driven and aggressive. Aries: Sapphire, 20, 60, 110; Taurus: Rose, 30, 70, 120; Gemini: Teal, 40, 80, 130; Cancer: Gold, 50, 90, 100; Leo: Mauve, 60, 100, 110; Virgo: Coral, 70, 110, 120; Libra: Indigo, 80, 120, 90; Scorpio: Peach, 90, 100, 110; Sagittarius: Silver, 100, 110, 120; Capricorn: Turquoise, 110, 120, 100; Aquarius: Burgundy, 20, 60, 110; Pisces: Orchid, 30, 70, 120.