Daily Horoscope 24 October 2023: Your Lucky Number, Love & Money

Today is the middle of fall when the sun moves into Scorpio. This coming month will be a time of change, which we welcome. On a mental level, we can learn how important it is to grow, which helps us align with our dreams and goals. Think of this time as a kind of awakening that will help you find your real self and become the person you were meant to be. Aries: Maroon, 385, 742, 215. Taurus: Indigo, 524, 316, 679. Gemini: Teal, 928, 167, 431. Cancer: Gold, 672, 249, 518. Leo: Lavender, 361, 759, 824. Virgo: Silver, 486, 293, 617. Libra: Crimson, 742, 215, 385. Scorpio: Green, 316, 679, 524. Sagittarius: Yellow, 167, 431, 928. Capricorn: Peach, 249, 518, 672 .Aquarius: Royal Blue, 759, 824, 361. Pisces: Violet, 293, 617, 486.