Libra Astrology Predictions September 07

Libra Daily Horoscope

As Luna exits your sign, Libra, she has a lovely early-morning connection with Jupiter that might lead to insight through the worlds of dreams. When Chiron becomes angry, take a few seconds to check in with your loved ones, especially if you’ve been feeling aloof lately. When Mercury acts in the midafternoon, you’ll be quite appreciated and new relationships may emerge.

When Mercury and Uranus square off tonight, be mindful of envy and power conflicts and take appropriate precautions to protect your secrets and weaknesses. When the moon squares Pluto and moves into sensuous Scorpio, make plans for a grounding night at home.

Libra Zodiac Sign: Date, Personality Traits and Astrology

Libra is an air sign and is known for being harmonious, diplomatic, and balanced. Ruled by Venus, Libras values relationships, beauty, and harmony. The symbol of the Scales represents their desire for fairness, justice, and equality. Libras are social, charming, and able to find common ground. They appreciate art, music, and the finer things in life, and have a strong sense of aesthetics. Read more about the Libra zodiac sign and Join our Facebook group Today Horoscope to get your daily lucky star guide.