Daily Horoscope 5 February 2024: Your Lucky Number, Love & Money

Daily Horoscope 5 February 2024: Your Lucky Number, Love & Money

Since social interaction is challenging when the Sagittarius moon squares Saturn in Pisces, a lot of us may choose to spend the day alone. This is the ideal energy to get things done on your to-do list and take care of business if you have an exam or major assignment coming up. Tonight, Mercury enters Aquarius, which amplifies the sophistication, progressiveness, and unconventionality of communication. Over the following three weeks, it will be our ability to come up with brilliant—or even “weird”—ideas that will get us ahead. Your Lucky Number- Aries: Burgundy, 30, 58, 105; Taurus: Charcoal, 36, 68, 128; Gemini: Ivory, 27, 52, 87; Cancer: Gold, 34, 65, 114; Leo: Orchid, 41, 77, 219; Virgo: Mauve, 29, 54, 98; Libra: Sapphire, 37, 64, 118; Scorpio: Teal, 32, 55, 107; Sagittarius: Rose, 39, 72, 200; Capricorn: Aqua, 25, 49, 83; Aquarius: Silver, 34, 68, 111; Pisces: Peach, 36, 62, 124.