The moon is in Sagittarius and Venus and Neptune are in Pisces. The squares mean that you might not be getting the whole picture of your life, especially when it comes to your love life and money. Even though it might hurt, you can talk about your mistake or clear up any confusion when the moon trines Mercury in Aries later. Aries: Gold, 20, 60, 110; Taurus: Sapphire, 30, 70, 120; Gemini: Rose, 40, 80, 130; Cancer: Teal, 50, 90, 140; Leo: Indigo, 60, 100, 150; Virgo: Coral, 70, 110, 160; Libra: Peach, 80, 120, 130; Scorpio: Mauve, 90, 130, 140; Sagittarius: Silver, 100, 140, 150; Capricorn: Turquoise, 110, 150, 160; Aquarius: Burgundy, 120, 160, 170; Pisces: Orchid, 20, 60, 110.