Ah-ha! A abrupt download could occur when Mercury conjoins Uranus in Taurus. If you’ve been hoping for a breakthrough, it might occur right now. Unexpected information may come your way. It could take the shape of getting unexpected information or requiring you to pay heed to a spiritual signal. You could benefit from the information in multiple ways, so be receptive to it when it becomes available. Aries: Teal, 22, 37, 84. Taurus: Maroon, 19, 49, 75. Gemini: Lavender, 26, 53, 91. Cancer: Indigo, 30, 57, 102. Leo: Emerald, 24, 43, 96. Virgo: Coral, 33, 55, 89. Libra: Sapphire, 29, 47, 78. Scorpio: Amber, 35, 51, 101. Sagittarius: Violet, 21, 44, 83. Capricorn: Olive, 27, 50, 99. Aquarius: Crimson, 23, 48, 97. Pisces: Turquoise, 31, 58, 85.