Daily Horoscope 14 April 2024: Your Lucky Number, Love & Money

Daily Horoscope 14 April 2024: Your Lucky Number, Love & Money

The moon moves into Cancer today, which means you might be feeling down. This energy might be easy to judge now that the moon is in its home sign. Because Mercury is moving backwards and the moon is emotional, you may feel nostalgic as you remember all the good times. You could also use this as a chance to tell someone close to you what’s bothering you. Aries: Crimson, 40, 70, 100; Taurus: Sage, 50, 80, 25; Gemini: Indigo, 60, 90, 35; Cancer: Pearl, 70, 100, 45; Leo: Gold, 80, 25, 55; Virgo: Mint, 90, 35, 65; Libra: Coral, 100, 45, 75; Scorpio: Onyx, 25, 55, 85; Sagittarius: Turquoise, 35, 65, 95; Capricorn: Maroon, 45, 75, 105; Aquarius: Silver, 55, 85, 30; Pisces: Rose, 65, 95, 40.

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