Daily Horoscope 17 April 2024: Your Lucky Number, Love & Money

Daily Horoscope 17 April 2024: Your Lucky Number, Love & Money

The opposition of Pluto in Aquarius by the moon in Leo may make you question whether you’re exaggerating. It may be difficult to determine if your emotional reactions are appropriate given how strongly emotional this resistance is. You may need to take it easy on yourself if you are experiencing a strong emotional reaction because today will be complicated. Aries: Crimson, 30, 60, 90; Taurus: Olive, 40, 70, 100; Gemini: Lavender, 50, 80, 110; Cancer: Peach, 60, 90, 30; Leo: Gold, 70, 100, 40; Virgo: Mint, 80, 110, 50; Libra: Lilac, 90, 30, 60; Scorpio: Indigo, 100, 40, 70; Sagittarius: Amber, 110, 50, 80; Capricorn: Silver, 30, 60, 90; Aquarius: Cyan, 40, 70, 100; Pisces: Turquoise, 50, 80, 110.

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