Today, the moon in Gemini forms a sextile to Chiron in Aries. This could give you a chance to heal your scars. As the hurt rock and Luna get along again, you might be able to talk about how you feel. This could be a great time to talk about your anger since the moon is also trines Mars in Aquarius. It might not be easy, but letting yourself be hurt will be a brave thing to do. Aries: Gold, 70, 160, 310; Taurus: Turquoise, 80, 170, 320; Gemini: Coral, 90, 180, 330; Cancer: Mauve, 100, 190, 340; Leo: Indigo, 110, 200, 350; Virgo: Peach, 120, 210, 360; Libra: Silver, 130, 220, 370; Scorpio: Rose, 140, 230, 380; Sagittarius: Sapphire, 150, 240, 390; Capricorn: Teal, 160, 250, 400; Aquarius: Burgundy, 170, 260, 410; Pisces: Orchid, 180, 270, 420.