Daily Horoscope 20 March 2024: Your Lucky Number, Love & Money

Daily Horoscope 20 March 2024: Your Lucky Number, Love & Money

Cheers to the astrological new year! When the sun moves into Aries tonight, it will be very high in the sky. The spring equinox happens at the same time as the start of Aries season. That means today might be a great day to start putting new plans, ideas, and other things into action. You might find that this is the best time of the year to focus on your path because Aries energy can be more self-centered. Aries: Silver, 70, 140, 290; Taurus: Turquoise, 80, 150, 300; Gemini: Rose, 90, 160, 310; Cancer: Gold, 100, 170, 320; Leo: Mauve, 110, 180, 330; Virgo: Coral, 120, 190, 290; Libra: Indigo, 130, 200, 300; Scorpio: Peach, 140, 210, 310; Sagittarius: Sapphire, 150, 220, 320; Capricorn: Teal, 160, 230, 330; Aquarius: Burgundy, 170, 240, 290; Pisces: Orchid, 180, 250, 300.

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