As the sun moves into Gemini this morning, a new zodiacal season begins. The end of spring is marked by the Gemini season. It is a moment of change, so strive to be adaptable and receptive. You may enjoy Gemini season better if you take an inquisitive approach to life! Never be scared to do a little research before committing to a new experience or opportunity. Aries: Silver, 41, 69, 105. Taurus: Turquoise, 47, 75, 109. Gemini: Gold, 57, 85, 109. Cancer: Teal, 44, 73, 101. Leo: Magenta, 53, 82, 109. Virgo: Rose, 47, 72, 109. Libra: Indigo, 56, 89, 109. Scorpio: Emerald, 50, 79, 109. Sagittarius: Coral, 39, 66, 94. Capricorn: Bronze, 55, 86, 109. Aquarius: Violet, 38, 65, 102. Pisces: Crimson, 51, 80, 109.