Daily Horoscope 24 May 2024: Your Lucky Number, Love & Money

Daily Horoscope 24 May 2024: Your Lucky Number, Love & Money

Today, the sun in Gemini trines Pluto retrograde in Aquarius, bringing a heightened social emphasis. You could be more reflective of your online and offline relationships. Perhaps there is an organisation you want to join or a friendship you wish to sever. Fortunately, the cosmic energy is ideal for thinking things over. By the end of the day, you may feel more confident in the associations and groups to which you desire to belong. Aries: Gold, 44, 72, 108. Taurus: Turquoise, 50, 78, 109. Gemini: Crimson, 60, 88, 109. Cancer: Emerald, 47, 76, 104. Leo: Indigo, 56, 85, 109. Virgo: Rose, 50, 75, 109. Libra: Bronze, 59, 92, 109. Scorpio: Silver, 53, 82, 109. Sagittarius: Magenta, 42, 69, 97. Capricorn: Teal, 58, 89, 109. Aquarius: Violet, 41, 68, 105. Pisces: Coral, 54, 83, 109.