Daily Horoscope 25 March 2024: Your Lucky Number, Love & Money

Daily Horoscope 25 March 2024: Your Lucky Number, Love & Money

Today, when Venus is at its highest point in Pisces and Jupiter is in Taurus, a lucky chance could come up. The energy from space could mean luck in love, like having a “meet cute” in a movie or sharing a beautiful day with your partner. Things won’t just be love, though. Also, this sextile can bring you more money luck. You should be hoping that something nice will happen today because anything could happen. Aries: Silver, 50, 120, 290; Taurus: Peach, 60, 130, 300; Gemini: Sapphire, 70, 140, 310; Cancer: Rose, 80, 150, 320; Leo: Gold, 90, 160, 330; Virgo: Mauve, 100, 170, 290; Libra: Coral, 110, 180, 300; Scorpio: Teal, 120, 190, 310; Sagittarius: Indigo, 130, 200, 320; Capricorn: Turquoise, 140, 210, 330; Aquarius: Burgundy, 150, 220, 290; Pisces: Orchid, 160, 230, 300.

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