Daily Horoscope 26 May 2024: Your Lucky Number, Love & Money

Daily Horoscope 26 May 2024: Your Lucky Number, Love & Money

cahToday, Venus in Gemini trines Pluto retrograde in Aquarius, which could lead to intense relationships. You should go out and ask someone out on a date or create new friends! Take a moment to stop overanalyzing things. Jupiter enters Gemini later, so you might not regret making new friends. When it comes to meeting new people and falling in love, fortune might be on your side! Aries: Teal, 46, 74, 109. Taurus: Magenta, 52, 80, 109. Gemini: Silver, 62, 90, 109. Cancer: Gold, 49, 78, 106. Leo: Coral, 58, 87, 109. Virgo: Turquoise, 52, 77, 109. Libra: Crimson, 61, 94, 109. Scorpio: Violet, 55, 84, 109. Sagittarius: Rose, 44, 71, 99. Capricorn: Indigo, 60, 91, 109. Aquarius: Bronze, 43, 70, 107. Pisces: Emerald, 56, 85, 109.