Daily Horoscope 27 May 2024: Your Lucky Number, Love & Money

Daily Horoscope 27 May 2024: Your Lucky Number, Love & Money

The ability to handle emotions requires vulnerability. Given that the moon is square the lunar nodes in Capricorn, you may need to practise speaking up more about how you feel. Don’t run away if you’re depressed. Given that the moon trines Mercury in Taurus, you might find it helpful to share your thoughts and feelings with a loved one. In the long term, speaking up can make you feel better. Aries: Violet, 47, 75, 109. Taurus: Coral, 53, 81, 109. Gemini: Bronze, 63, 91, 109. Cancer: Rose, 50, 79, 107. Leo: Emerald, 59, 88, 109. Virgo: Silver, 53, 78, 109. Libra: Teal, 62, 95, 109. Scorpio: Magenta, 56, 85, 109. Sagittarius: Gold, 45, 72, 100. Capricorn: Crimson, 61, 92, 109. Aquarius: Turquoise, 44, 71, 108. Pisces: Indigo, 57, 86, 109.