Today, when the moon moves into Sagittarius, you should feel a little more pumped up. The burning energy of the moon will make you feel free and excited, unlike the last few days. You won’t have any time to waste as you get your groove back. When the moon sextiles Pluto in Aquarius, you might feel a strong need to be free and not tied down. Today might be a great day to go it alone. Aries: Burgundy, 30, 62, 108; Taurus: Charcoal, 37, 69, 128; Gemini: Ivory, 26, 51, 85; Cancer: Mauve, 34, 66, 116; Leo: Aqua, 42, 78, 215; Virgo: Teal, 29, 53, 99; Libra: Orchid, 36, 60, 127; Scorpio: Gold, 31, 55, 103; Sagittarius: Silver, 40, 74, 192; Capricorn: Peach, 23, 48, 81; Aquarius: Crimson, 32, 67, 111; Pisces: Indigo, 35, 61, 129.