Daily Horoscope 30 May 2024: Your Lucky Number, Love & Money

Daily Horoscope 30 May 2024: Your Lucky Number, Love & Money

It’s such a sleep-fest today. You may feel drowsy for a little over ten hours, as the moon will be void of course. Since lunar lulls aren’t usually productive, today can be a good day to relax. But Mars is in Aries, conjoining Chiron, so you may be feeling anxious about your lack of drive. If you decide to take a nap instead of working, try not to be too hard on yourself. Aries: Gold, 49, 77, 109. Taurus: Violet, 55, 83, 109. Gemini: Coral, 65, 93, 109. Cancer: Silver, 52, 81, 109. Leo: Teal, 61, 90, 109. Virgo: Magenta, 55, 80, 109. Libra: Turquoise, 64, 97, 109. Scorpio: Rose, 58, 87, 109. Sagittarius: Emerald, 47, 74, 102. Capricorn: Crimson, 63, 94, 109. Aquarius: Bronze, 46, 73, 109. Pisces: Indigo, 59, 88, 109.