Daily Horoscope 31 May 2024: Your Lucky Number, Love & Money

Daily Horoscope 31 May 2024: Your Lucky Number, Love & Money

To establish harmony in your life, pay attention to your intuition. As the last quarter moon rises in Pisces, you may sense a need to examine certain aspects of your life from a spiritual perspective. Perhaps there is a relationship or circumstance that doesn’t seem quite right. Take advantage of this lunar energy to swim away from negativity and change properly. Aries: Indigo, 50, 78, 109. Taurus: Rose, 56, 84, 109. Gemini: Silver, 66, 94, 109. Cancer: Bronze, 53, 82, 109. Leo: Coral, 62, 91, 109. Virgo: Gold, 56, 81, 109. Libra: Magenta, 65, 98, 109. Scorpio: Teal, 59, 88, 109. Sagittarius: Turquoise, 48, 75, 103. Capricorn: Violet, 64, 95, 109. Aquarius: Emerald, 47, 74, 109. Pisces: Crimson, 60, 89, 109.