Daily Horoscope 7 April 2024: Your Lucky Number, Love & Money

Daily Horoscope 7 April 2024: Your Lucky Number, Love & Money

Today, when Venus in Aries sextiles Pluto in Aquarius, strong feelings of love come up. You will put a lot of energy into everything you do today. It’s possible that you care deeply about something or someone. This sextile’s fiery energy could push you to get back into your hobbies, start dating again, or show your partner a lot of love. Do something that makes your heart happy. Aries: Emerald, 55, 95, 135; Taurus: Lavender, 65, 105, 145; Gemini: Amber, 75, 115, 155; Cancer: Crimson, 85, 125, 165; Leo: Azure, 95, 135, 175; Virgo: Marigold, 105, 145, 185; Libra: Periwinkle, 115, 155, 195; Scorpio: Slate, 125, 165, 205; Sagittarius: Cobalt, 135, 175, 215; Capricorn: Ruby, 145, 185, 225; Aquarius: Platinum, 155, 195, 235; Pisces: Amethyst, 165, 205, 245.

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