Daily Horoscope 8 April 2024: Your Lucky Number, Love & Money

Daily Horoscope 8 April 2024: Your Lucky Number, Love & Money

As the moon moves into fiery Aries this morning, you could find yourself with a rosy disposition and a bushy tail. You will feel inspired to get out of bed and give the day your all thanks to the moon energy. When the moon forms a sextile to Pluto in Aquarius and conjoins Venus in Aries, there’s no room for delay. Aries: Crimson, 60, 100, 140; Taurus: Aqua, 70, 110, 150; Gemini: Pearl, 80, 120, 160; Cancer: Coral, 90, 130, 170; Leo: Lilac, 100, 140, 180; Virgo: Amber, 110, 150, 190; Libra: Sage, 120, 160, 200; Scorpio: Sapphire, 130, 170, 210; Sagittarius: Indigo, 140, 180, 220; Capricorn: Mauve, 150, 190, 230; Aquarius: Turquoise, 160, 200, 240; Pisces: Rose, 170, 210, 250.